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Saturday, 26 January 2013


Hold your breath and experience what it is
to be choked for a while and for a moment not live.

In that second or two, things will blur
and you will then allow breath to enter.

If only it were so easy to breathe again
Once the choking is done in a way no one can mend.

If only your breath could be held and you could stop living
Just for the moments when you ain't sure you can keep giving.

For we get no second chances in time machine at need
The 1st chance is all we live and better still, to breathe!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

We Run

We run, we run from a lot, we run away almost every time,
We run from what can hurt us, we run from what scares us,
We even run from some things that haven't happened yet
What makes our feet move so fast, move away from negativity?
Its what we're running towards.....we run forward and not backward....
We run from something to something better....
Who would know your destination better than yourself.
Those two feet...that run fast, they know where they are going :)
They run from the negative to the positive,
From the uncomfortable to the comfort.
From the cold to the sunshine....
We Run the difference.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Insanely Loud

There is a feeling, a constant voice
Thats waiting to be permitted to be insanely loud.
There is an urge to speak your mind
and to loudly do your expressions Proud.

There is a need for unlimited volume
In an echoing room so that you can hear ...
A burst of words locked up for too long
now to be given freedom without fear

Let it be insanely loud, louder than sirens.
For one, who is deaf and dumb,
there isn't a reason not to try to express.
Its probably the only thing that will have them feeling un-numbed.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Throw it Away

You use your time gathering it all, a lot of  which does not belong to you...
You collect and collect until you cant hold them all no more
and then you look, you look for something or someone onto whom you can dump all of it
because you realize its too heavy, this burden you collected,
a burden that was not yours in the 1st place, and now you have it and its weighing you down
but who can help you? its different if the load was yours to carry, help would have come easily.
Drop it! Those heavy, useless, unproductive loads that do nothing but occupy space and waste energy
Throw it away!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Physically Absent Spiritually Present

She exists, she comes to you, talks, charms, makes you listen to her, she listens to you
In no time you feel invisible if she's not around you, she's your angel and no matter what she's always there
just so that you always feel great about yourself, she gives and gives and she never stops giving
compliments, ego boosts, lessons and tips on how to live fully,
she even shows you the path to happiness...
she loves to be around you and no, she's not doing you a favor,
she's doing herself a favor, cause mostly, she feels needed by you...
you want to keep her, you want her to stick around forever...
Start telling her what she means to you...
Appreciate her and tell her what she's been to you...
she wants to hear it, but at the same time it gives her permission to leave...
something you both didn't want.....
There is a possibility that she will realize her time in your life is done,
that you have received what she came to give...
and someone else may be waiting for her presence in their lives...
Are you willing to let go of her? can you stand without her? or has she always been your wings?
Set her free, shes closest to you in your heart... she will only be physically absent.
Her wings are magical, they will invisibly be present for you.
and not only will you stand, you'll fly! Set Her Free...

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Flesh and Emotions

Its a matter of cells and those gluing tissues that keep the flesh intact to the body
what about emotions? sometimes hidden under skin and sometimes literally worn on the surface...
what keeps them in the same body?
there's almost a war going on in there, between what really is and what really should be.
its either the flesh that limits emotions or emotions that limit the flesh....
they need that fine balance, the thinnest line separating them but still keeping them in touch
keeping them in harmony with each other thus causing absolutely no imbalances within a being.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Just Being

What does it take to just BE yourself?
You BE who you are, live with and make the best of all that life throws at you.
How difficult it is to BE happy or content.....especially when one is busy BEing someone he is not....
Maybe..... before one can learn to BE happy or to BE himself ...... he ought to just learn to BE!
Yes, i'm talking about the state of  'BE'ing........   actual existence in living :)
Begin Believing in your Being!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Explained or Understood

Must we move on when there is no future that we can be sure of?
Must we move on just because the past needs us no more?
Would it make a difference if we just stayed where we are?
And probably let time take us through our tense and clingy little hour....
You've gone away from this moment of need,
Hands left empty, for there's nothing more to ask for or to plead.
At this critical moment you left for your good.
Can selfishness ever be explained or understood?
Questions race and doubts cloud it all,
Was it destiny that got us to take the fall?
Was it me was it you, or was it both of us, to ourselves being true?
A sweet taste of the bigger picture and a bitter one of the small
Our decision seems right although it didn't when I recall...
There's probably more to it than it seems to be
But for now i'll bank on destiny....

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Tattered Wings

Angels live among us...all with tattered wings,
God still helps them to fly and praise as they joyfully sing.
No complaints they make while traveling door to door,
They'll enter your house and look after you more and more.
Why, you may ask such pain they endure?
Flying with tattered wings and bodies almost sore...
Because the magic under every wing is perpetual and unending
As they wrap you in protection and care everlasting .....
The beauty of shining wings, they are willing to sacrifice
Just so that the broken and tattered ones are kept warm and nice.
They forget their looks or the way people imagine them to be,
'Cause when the world's tattered and ugly,  which angel can trouble to be pretty?

Monday, 7 January 2013

Grounded and Uplifting

We all start somewhere, finish and then start all over again with what life's ready to offer us
We make decisions every moment of our lives, we dream, we work we achieve.
Sometimes we get lost in our accomplishments, so lost that we don't realize how high we have risen
And how difficult it is to hear people from way above them .....
Whats the use of rising above then .... if you cant communicate with the ones who helped you get there?
It's better to be GROUNDED and UPLIFTING! .... than lifted and uprooted.