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Wednesday 13 November 2013

What its like to love you...

Loving you is like trying out different flavors of ice cream.
Its the same thing but different every time.
Loving you is like pottery
Gently molding a relationship with steady hands.
Loving you is like walking a beach
The beauty of creation is overwhelming
Loving you is like reading a story book
It takes me to another world
Loving you is like building a card stack
Patience is a must
Loving you is like Baking a cake
So many ingredients to make it perfect.
Loving you is like walking in the rain
Its amazing but its gonna give me the flu
Loving you is like bungee jumping
Its thrilling and worth it, but that has safety cables.
Loving you is like sheltering you from the sun
It's protective of you.
Loving you is like running a marathon
The adrenaline rush is out of this world.
Loving you is like sailing the 7 seas
there's much to conquer
Loving you can be compared to so many random things...
My list may never end
But its most certainly still can't define How Much I Love You.
For Loving you is everything to me.

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