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Thursday 8 October 2015

Days of Courage

Our days of courage come by now and again.
They are the days we feel like the universe is on our side,
It's when nothing can come in the way and nothing can stop us.
Our days of courage show us what we don't generally see;
What we can do, what we can be.
They build us up from our otherwise dull days.

Our days of courage make us say the things we always wanted to.
They give us words when there otherwise existed none.
They cause us to repair broken bridges, tie up loose knots.
Our days of courage allow us to admit our love.
They give us strength to speak up and to feel bigger than we usually do.
They help us undo mistakes and sometimes redo them.

But our days of courage are our best ever
Because they bring us to our weakest and make us our strongest.
They tear us to pieces and then fix us up again.
Our days of courage find us our missing pieces and make us whole again.
Our days of courage rid us of our insecurities and bring back our dreams.

My days of courage are rare, for a frightened heart has much to conquer.
But when they come, they come like thieves in the night.
Causing me cold toes and a moment of shivers.
Until I make that brave move that changes everything.
Everything that once was, suddenly can never be
Because these courageous days break and make me.

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