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Thursday 30 July 2015


If you didn't own a watch,
Would you know if you're late?
Would you bother to be early?
If you didn't know the time,
Would you be able to keep it,
No matter rhythm or rhyme?
If there existed no clock,
and we didn't know what was night and day,
Would you know when you had to sleep
Would you care about it anyway?
You'd eat when you're hungry,
Wake up when you're out of sleep,
Get out of the house when you needed to,
And think endlessly ever so deep.
For you'd never be running out of time,
Never be too early or late.
You'd never bother about missing out,
Won't know the day or date.
And maybe you'd worry alot less.
Maybe you'd give more time to that which you don't.
For you won't be in a hurry for anything,
Most definitely, you wont.
Every moment would be spent at leisure
And you'd probably love whatever you do.
For nothings rushing you, no one's in a hurry,
You'd work the way you love and you hope others will too.
But that's probably the problem with all of us these days;
We have lost track of what we're doing
In the process of how long we take to do it.
We have schedules packed like travel bags.
And we don't bother to check them through.
We're always in a hurry and sometimes tend to lag.
We need a reality check, me and you.
Think a little about your entire day;
Did you use your time productively in anyway?
Or did you spend most of it procrastinating or maybe idling on your phone?
How about you give yourself some time alone?
We often say I can't make the time,
But if you didn't know the time you'd have it for sure.
Keep excuses at bay and find a way.
In a lifetime of no deadlines, you can dare to do so much more.

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