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Tuesday 19 March 2013

They aren't just words anymore...

One of the most beautiful sights, i believe, is a mother teaching her kid to pray.
Walked passed a Little boy and his mother and overheard them talking.
At first i didn't understand what they were saying because they spoke in an unfamiliar language.
And everything that the mother said, the boy repeated after her.
i realized she was teaching him the words of a prayer when i heard the name of their God.

At such tender ages we were taught to pray,
at that point..they were just words... words that we had to say everyday.
And we didn't know what we were saying most of the time.
Until we grew a little older, when we could understand words.
when every word meant something.

Soon every word of a prayer learnt by heart began to mean much more.
And what it meant had no barriers.
Different points of view, different meanings to every word that was said in a prayer.
At this age, prayer grew to be more than just a chanting of words.
There was a desire to understand and a longing to know.

Prayer now has turned into a living.
Every step of the way, every decision we take, we pray.
Sometimes consciously, sometimes very unconsciously!
Now we pray from the heart, now we form our own sentences, frame our own prayers at times.
No longer do we repeat, or chant, now we PRAY.
Because now it means so much more than it did then.
Now we feel the Power of prayer, now there's Faith, now there's Experience...
and not just words...

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