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Monday 14 April 2014

The Special Kind

He picked her up and molded her heart differently.
He sprinkled magic into her soul and added a dash of sparkle in her eyes.
He kissed her and said, let no one treat you differently.
You are special, but not to be outcasted.
And then slowly he laid her in the arms of an angel,
who was to take her to the embrace of a man and woman.

The doctors panicked as she was born.
Who shall we save? wife or child?
Even if the latter lives, we cannot assure you she will live like other children do.
"By God's grace, please don't make me choose" said the man of the hour.
praying in a little chapel by the E.R., born was a father with the birth of a girl.
And saved was a wife by a mans deep faith.

They looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead.
She was different, she was special, she was one of a kind.
But more over she was theirs.
And mostly she was what they have been longing for.
A child.

She grew up slowly. And patiently did they bring her up.
Dealing with every obstacle that came their way.
Her hand was held longer than any child at her school.
But she didn't care. They didn't care.
Their hearts were overflowing for her.
And her arms were open to hold every drop of care they had to give her.

Passers by, turned their heads away in pity.
They felt bad for the child who's days were uncertain.
They felt bad for her parents, who gave their all to keep up with the child's medication expenses.
But at the end of the day,
no one could be more grateful for a child of the special kind than her parents themselves.

Times came when they tired. Times came when they yelled.
But before the sun set and the moon shone above, the three of them got down on their knees,
And prayed to the man on high, the source of all, He who was called love.
And new mornings dawned and they were grateful for determined hearts in the midst of strife.
Praying that happiness may forever be their motivation and their reward: a long life.

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