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Sunday 21 April 2013

Love(in)g Denial

What a feeling it is to keep a secret!
To know that you know something that no one else does.
Be it about someone else or even yourself.
And when its about yourself, you can be sure of its secrecy, 
that only you can control it and it effects no one else but yourself if its told.
Which is why, we can deny so many things openly and yet hold them close to our hearts secretly.

For example, i very well know what you mean to me,
but out in the open, i cannot help but deny it! That's 'LOVE IN DENIAL'
but this secret crush, this little secret of mine, it gives me a high, an exciting feeling. 
Now that's  'LOVING DENIAL'

Because somethings are better left that way, unsaid and unspoken.
Revealing it involves risks and uncertainties which sometimes don't seem worth it at all,
saying it out loud makes it real and wheres the fun and adventure in that?
The hidden truth is a lie, but the spoken truth might have consequences you'd rather avoid.

Let this not be an excuse for you to shy away from your feelings and emotions.
Love is a beautiful gift to give and to receive. Denying it or being denied of it is common.
But expressing it bears more fruit. In the end it's what's more important to you....
Denying it all and staying where you are.... or accepting it and moving further.

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