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Friday 4 October 2013

Under The Umbrella- Fan Request #2

The umbrella has heard sweet nothings...
That were meant to be whispers to the world.
It has shielded two from the harshest of storms
And brought them together, their lives to unfurl.

They fell in love under the cloudy skies
They smiled and dreamed of each others eyes
It wasn't long before the weather changed
It wasn't long before things turned strange.

They kept to themselves words that should have been said,
They hid back tears, that later were shed.
Under the umbrella hid two fearful hearts...
Afraid of not only the storm but the shadows in the dark.

A lot has taken place under the old umbrella
Kinds words may have been spoken.
While rain drops fell and the sun shone harshly
Some hearts might have been broken...

Under the umbrella now stood just one.
For what came together must fall apart one day.
After the rains, came an overpowering sun
And he stood under the umbrella in dismay.

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