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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Of losing friends and dealing with it...

I know my friends, there are some that I know and no longer do.
They are still friends nonetheless, just the far away kind.
You may call them strangers, you may call them untrue
But I'd like to think they just found someone new.
Friends are people you invest in. You give all of yourself to them at a point in your life.
At another point they're gone because they have to go. And what's left of you?
An investment that left you with no returns?
Have you thought, maybe, that this investment was not yours to benefit from in the first place.
The part of your life that you give to another, wholeheartedly, is with them forever, presently stranger or friend.
That part of you that you gave so freely once upon a time and now isn't valued still has an impact on forever.
It is a part of someones history. It is a part of someones memory.
It is a part of someones story. It is a part of the millions of things people do in the name of friendship.
And is a major part of the future.
It doesn't go forgotten. It's engraved in a life.
Don't lose hope if you lose a friend to newer friends.
You've just given the world a part of you in someone else's body.
For if your friendship was true, you were never two,
Just One.

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