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Friday 25 September 2015

It's brighter outside

You've reached that point
Where wanting has ceased
Where needing is irrelevant
And where having is out of the question.
When you've tried and tried
To no luck at all.
When you've tried and failed and tried again
And yet you have nothing but a break and fall.
You lose all hope, you lack any motivation
Suddenly, nothing is important and everything is just a phase.
Nothing is worth the time and nothing is worth the energy.
And in these moments of utter uselessness, 
That's when you wonder what really went wrong.
How did this happen? Where have you gone?
What happened to your drive, your passion?
Where has all that charisma gone?
Have you been reduced to your own idea of helplessness?
Have you made a universe for yourself of self pity and apology.
Don't you wonder what a waste it is to go on this way?
There are two paths from here and I hope you choose life.
There's a silver lining behind the dark clouds, there's sunshine after the rain.
There's water beyond the desert and home's waiting for you after the long road.
There's relief after the pain, there's stillness after the storm.
There's life beyond yourself, it's brighter outside, get out, move on.

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